Our products

How can we help you?
Request for quotation

Our valves are used for a variety of applications in the energy industry today, such as fossil-fuelled power plants, combined heat and power(CHP) or biomass and waste to energy. We can provide you with high-pressure valves in the following categories:

  • Isolation Valves
  • Control Valves
  • Steam Conditioning Valves

Fill out this form and we will contact you shortly.

Spare parts
How can we help?

The use of OEM parts extends valve life and reliability.

Since the use of non-genuine parts may lead to operating risks and severe damages, OEM-parts shall be used to guarantee proper performance of the valve and its internals after installation and commissioning.

If you need parts or advice about maintenance or service, please contact us.

Please fill out this form below and we will contact you shortly for further support.

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